why would you pay for onlyfans?? just search up "big boobies" ur wasting ur money
Degenerate Bonehead.
I like Splatoon and literally all Nintendo.
Chugging glasses of milk (Specifically milk)
Left handed
Good at annoying people on the internets
CRT monitors 4 life
Columbine High School
ur moms pussy
Joined on 1/21/24
Posted by bonehead0 - 12 days ago
I hate Ultrakill fans. I hate them so fucking much. Every video, they have to take their autistic little fingers to the comment section like, "I love Ultrakill so much!!!" We get it you stupid fucking idiot. You have 105 hours on Steam, your profile picture is Ultrakill, you think about Ultrakill 24/7. Your purpose in life is to worship Ultrakill, like a useless fucking slug. Kill yourself. You have absolutely no purpose in life. You sit there, beating your shit to Ultrakill and thinking about it all day. What have you done to help anyone else? What have you done that has benefited society? Kill yourself, now.
Posted by bonehead0 - 13 days ago
Wow. Just wow. What you just posted was so stupid, it made me want to just stop my computer. Not shut it off, but to cease all functions of it. That thing you just wrote made me lose my patriotism, because how am I supposed to support the first amendment with that shitty of an opinion you just expressed. That post made me question my faith in god, because if we were truly his perfect creation, he wouldn't let such a major flaw to have exited your fathers nutsack. You are a complete waste of oxygen, water, heat, electricity, and energy as a whole. Your mere existence stuns me. 4 Billion years of evolution, advancements, wars, death, creations, life, and resources, and all that just so the condom could break. Never post again, never talk again, never breath again, you are useless. A decimal of a fraction of a nanosecond of an insect's life has more value than you ever will in all (hopefully not) 80 years of your life if it was repeated thousands of billions of times.
Posted by bonehead0 - 13 days ago
How stupid can you get?
All the girls in my school are the most idiotic, numbskulled idiots to have ever been spawned.
Something funny happens or evokes any sort of emotion? Scream like a 5 year old! In fact, since we scream like 5 year olds, might as well talk like them! Someone bothers us? Middle finger of course! How unique are we!!! You know what? We might as well have the intelligence of 5 year olds too!
Posted by bonehead0 - 2 weeks ago
What is the manliest thing you can do? Dress up like a women. Let me explain.
To be an alpha male, you must not listen to what other males tell you, and most will try to tell you not to crossdress. To truly be an alpha, you need to wear a miniskirt and thigh highs.
Another thing, is that women, well, they're just stupid pregnancy pods, so, instead of women, you need femboys.