
117 Movie Reviews

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Bro make this a CD or some shit cuz this song goes harder than a child molester near an orphanage!!!

Really sick animation also Egoraptor???

R.I.P Toriyama.

Really funny! Looking forward to the next one.

This truly is the most amazing piece of fine art I have seen. Not even Leonardo DaVinci could create such a masterpiece. I am truly confounded at how such an amazing piece of art could be spawned. This does not belong on Newgrounds, this does not belong anywhere on Earth. It is simply too amazing to have been created by humans. Rather, I believe this belongs nowhere, not in our Universe. It is so perfect, so refined, that it belongs on another astral plane.

I liekerd the part where the fishy man went "woo" and fung the fish.

David Hasselhoff really went downhill after this one.

Are we talking about Tom Fulp? I love talking about Tom Fulp what is your favorite Tom Fulp related fact? Mine is that Tom Fulp is the founder of Newgrounds.com. I wish they made Tom Fulp action figures. I am going to name my child Tom Fulp. They should change the capital of Pennsylvania to Tom Fulp City because I really think well of Tom Fulp. If Tom fulp was bitten by a poisonous snake I would suck the venom out of him, even if it was his dick, and i'm not even gay I just really like Tom Fulp. The only thing I love more than Tom Fulp is talking about Tom Fulp. I tried to make a Tom Fulp fan club at my school but no one joined so it was just me. If I could meet Tom Fulp I would tell him all the things I know about Tom Fulp. I want to go to college to major in Tom Fulp and then build my own business so I can create Tom Fulp related merchandise. Tom Fulp's face should be immortalized in stone for his incredible contributions to the world and my life. If Tom Fulp was a Yugioh card he was have infinite attack and defense points because he's Tom Fulp, the singular point with which my life revolves. I love Tom Fulp, I want to be married to Tom Fulp. I would marry Wade Fulp just to be closer to Tom Fulp. I am changing my name to Tom Fulp Fulp because I admire the strength and respect the name commands. I would vote for Tom for president and mister universe because he is just that charismatic and handsome. The Fulp name should be listed among nobility. I am crying right now because I feel like no one else wants to talk about Tom Fulp as much as I do. I must be the only person with a Tom Fulp diary that keeps a record of everything Tom Fulp has ever said to me and things I hope he will say to me in the future. I framed a PM Tom Fulp sent to me and my mom wanted me to take it down for my diploma but fuck her she doesn't know what Tom Fulp means to me. I wish Tom Fulp was my dad, my dad sucks, Tom Fulp wouldn't suck if he was my dad. My life would be misery without Tom Fulp. Everyday that I log onto Newgrounds and find a new thread to discuss some inane aspect of Tom Fulp's life fills me with joy and meaning so please let me talk about Tom Fulp or i'm going to explode

This will be school in 2013

This is so smooth holy shit

This made my brain wiggle.

I wonder what Drake did in the video that was so wrong?

Degenerate Bonehead.
I like Splatoon and literally all Nintendo.
Chugging glasses of milk (Specifically milk)
Left handed
Good at annoying people on the internets
CRT monitors 4 life

Benjamin Dover @bonehead0

Male, Of the age of Teen



Earth (Possibly)

Joined on 1/21/24

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